The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These names produce a highly idealistic, sensitive, caring and humanitarian nature. They are tuned very finely to beauty, art and music. Their feelings run so deep they can become impossible to control, leading them into extreme highs and lows. When this occurs they suffer a depletion that causes depression and self-pity. They have the most beautiful love experiences, without ever knowing how to sustain them. Theirs is the lesson of universal love but invariably they become lost in personal love that has its basis in self-gratification. This level of sensitivity will sometimes open them up to the psychic realm. They are subject to visions and phenomena that can make them deeply religious in an orthodox or unorthodox way. Trying to explain to others how they feel most often leads to misunderstandings and eventually they just do not communicate their feelings and experiences. Seldom are they taken seriously in any case.

If they are to ever live to the higher side of this emotional sensitivity they must cultivate their talents along musical, literary and artistic avenues. They must close the door to the psychic planes or be drawn into the realms of mysticism where they will remain a prisoner to sensations, speculations, theories and illusions that have no basis in reality. At times they can be left with a profound insight due to the depth of their experience. Their lives lie in the balance between emotion and reason, illusion and reality. Because of a limitation in verbal expression they can find an outlet for their feelings through acting and drama. Their deep empathy or sympathy with their characters can be portrayed very convincingly and leave a strong impression with their audience. They are so sympathetic to the problems of others that there is always the danger of picking up the problems of those they are in sympathy with.

Their compassion for others is their motive for seeking work along humanitarian lines. If they had to survive for long in the marketplace, with all its noise and confusion, it would drive them crazy. They long for the tranquillity of nature and its natural beauties. Theirs is not an easy life in this world of materiality and confusion. They consider their great depth of sensitivity an asset but it really becomes their greatest liability and the source of all their problems. Their moods, depressions and illnesses are all related to their inability to control this highly emotional nature. Love is the motivating force in their lives. They have an enormous capacity to give, but when it does not work out they can fall to pieces and grieve longer than is adviseable. The negative element here is possessiveness and jealousy. The imbalance can lead to problems affecting the heart, lungs and bronchial organs, as well as nervous disorders.

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