The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Idealism and perfection are the two words that best describe these people. Their work has to have a greater meaning to it and then they will pursue it as a specialist. Whether it is in the home, office or in the field, they will approach their task with meticulous attention. Everything must be just so, with nothing out of place. Unfortunately in these influences there is something out of place. There is an intensity of emotion that is always directed to the physical plane of facts and details. Their idealism is somewhat thwarted and forced to express through perfection in details. This quality arouses a scepticism about anything that does not relate to the practical world of fact. They have very definite views about life that make them quite inflexible. Their conversation does not flow easily because of their fixed views. There is no give and take because they cannot think on their feet. They have to ponder over things for a long time before it becomes established as a fact in their minds.

It is through the hard road of experience that an idea slowly forms and takes root in their consciousness. Therefore in conversation they cannot accept another's thought unless it comes within the range of some personal experience. Debating is not within the realm of their talents because their minds work too slowly and they cannot give their opponent the benefit of the doubt. Their penchant for detail could earn them the reputation for being fussy. They would do well in occupations that require a lot of research or attention to detail, as long as it was motivated by some greater purpose. If it was not, their frustrations would become intolerable. They have a desire to work to some greater purpose but invariably find themselves working out the problems of life in some capacity that can feel like drudgery. They possess an underlying humanitarianism that can never be fully expressed. In truth they should be teachers in some religious or philosophical way but usually end up preoccupied by the mundane. If there is some degree of balance in the sum total of their names they could specialize in a field with some degree of success.

Their emotional side is quite strong in its love nature. As it cannot express fully through idealism it seeks an avenue through the physical plane. If these people do not strive to understand their deep need for love, and the implications of their strong sex drive, their nervous systems will suffer. At times this nervous energy can be very unsettling. They are dreamers who live for a better day and brighter future, but in the meantime they work hard knowing full well that nothing comes from nothing. Their security is measured in dollars and cents, and their frugality accounts for every penny earned. Their materialism overrides their spiritual values. This is a very logical quality that is dictated first by personal need and secondly by their idealism. They must not lose themselves in the little inconsequential details of life. Their nervous system as well as blockages in the intestinal tract are their physical weaknesses.

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