The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These people combine a strong masculine influence with a commanding presence. They are full of self-confidence and a sense of their own power. Working for other people is beneath them. They are ambitious and capable of getting what they want. Being so bold they must be careful not to step on people in order to get their own way. Their personal ambition can blind them to the comforts of home and hearth. Family and marital interests usually take second place to their insatiable drive for success and financial independence. They stand above others in leadership and their ability to organize people. They must wonder at their sense of superiority as they look down at us mere mortals. Looking down their noses could be a problem. The idea of using their innate potential for helping others less fortunate is not always a consideration as they climb their ladder of success. This is a dispassionate quality with the power to see clearly into the motives and minds of others, and having the tendency to judge from a position of power or assumed superiority.

In the highest sense they make good judges because they are not influenced by emotional displays. This allows them a level of mental objectivity and sound reasoning. In marriage their more emotional spouses will be starved for affection. They are problem-solvers, quick to grasp the underlying motives of others. Unfortunately their problem solving applies mostly to their careers. If there are problems in marriage they tend to escape into their work. Their careers are their main focus, particularly if they are the boss. This is their life. If there is an imbalance that finds them in a subordinate role in life they can become quite fearsome and domineering. Home and family are not priorities unless a maternal or paternal urge is present in some other part of their make-up. This being the first name, it is the compelling force. Once they begin to make money and experience the power of it there is no end to their need to acquire more.

They have a desire for the best that money can buy and have an eye for a bargain. They can spend lavishly on nice things and at the same time they are frugal, accounting for every penny spent. In looking you over there can be a tendency to measure you from a material standard. You are seen as not getting ahead in life if you do not have money. This negative aspect depends upon the degree of balance of the whole character. Bringing people together is easy and enjoyable for them. They can delegate, hire and fire without a moment of anxiety. They have the power to influence people for good, or otherwise. Being a strong masculine quality the female tends to suffer in relationships, taking a back seat to no man. In this day and age this may seem admirable, but when the women compete with men, all are bound to lose. Through tension these people will suffer through the generative organs and experience problems in conception and reproduction.

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