The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Leadership and organization are the main qualities of these names. These people are strong, confident and self-sufficient. They have no intention of taking a back seat to anyone. If there is balance in the rest of their make-up their ambition will take them a long way in reaching their goals. If there is imbalance and they are forced into positions of subordination they will fight and the strength of their names will manifest as bossiness or as a domineering quality. As they climb the ladder to success they have no hesitation about taking the initiative and assume responsibilities without being told. The power of their character can be intimidating to the more sensitive types. They understand people and are good delegators. The main drive in their lives is to get ahead, work hard and become financially independent. There is no time for foolishness. Their lives are centered around their careers and their material ambitions. They are good at figures and balancing the books.

Everything must be accounted for, nothing should be out of place. As bosses or parents they are hard taskmasters, but not unkind. They have a strong desire to help and to teach others. The urge to instruct others is also a key to their success and happiness, and should be cultivated and brought out. Their strong sense of authority must be respected. They work successfully only if they have complete control of their responsibilities. If they have not worked themselves into a position of being the boss they will naturally be unhappy and make everyone else miserable because of their negative tendency to interfere and push people around. This is usually only if there is a degree of imbalance in the rest of their names. Very few people can do things as efficiently as these types. They know it and therefore it is hard for others to live up to their expectations. This name influence can be a little strong for a female and tends to destroy her natural feminine qualities, making her quite overbearing.

These people can be active in community work and readily volunteer when something needs to be done. They are intelligent and quick to take control where it is required. Their natural maternal or paternal quality makes them good mothers and fathers, and their strong sense of justice and fair play makes them formidable opponents when fighting for a cause. They are leaders who must use their natural gifts for the benefit of others and not become lost in the pursuit of wealth and materiality for purely selfish gain. Their practical natures should be balanced with idealism and a higher motive. They are good judges of people and it is this ability that lies at the basis of their spirituality. Mental objectivity and the power to see things dispassionately gives them a great responsibility. They are not easily drawn into arguments and consider this form of conduct as beneath them. They possess a great power to influence others and must use it wisely. They are generally quite healthy with any weakness affecting them in the generative organs.

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