The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These names give strength, ambition and an outspoken manner. Nothing holds these people back from achieving success unless the rest of their names are unbalanced. They are confident and unafraid of pushing themselves forward. Speaking their minds comes easily and there is power in their manner of speaking. The spoken word is an asset and a liability. They will not be put down by others. Their intelligence perceives the fairness or injustice of a situation and they will speak out in regards to the truth. They have a friendly and happy mental disposition, and they can be quite helpful to others. Their social and loving manner requires an outlet where they can be in front of people -- leading, performing and inspiring them. They could be excellent public speakers. One of the greatest human attributes anyone can possess is the power to influence, and these people have that potential.

Their character contains positivity, leadership and a certain charisma that should be used to motivate others. If there is imbalance in their overall make-up then this quality can become overbearing or bossy. In that case they can become complaining and intolerant. This usually only happens if they have not achieved a position of leadership or personal autonomy in their careers or work life. If they find themselves in subordinate roles their unhappiness can make them intolerable. Normally this is a capable influence, and better for a man than a woman. For a woman it can in some cases make her quite hard and overly independent. Their talents are many but are best expressed where there are people and they can be in the forefront. They are good organizers and can easily take the lead. They are not timid in any way and can meet and mix with anyone. They have an ability to appraise others and make good judges of character. This is not a particularly compassionate influence and they could find those with lesser distinction beneath them.

Holding their own in debate is a product of their natural mental objectivity. Only under pressure will they speak out with a force that can be quite daunting and intimidating to the more sensitive types. This influence combines a wealth complex with an appreciation of music, art and colour harmony. It is a nice balance. There is the danger of giving in to indulgence because of their rich tastes in food and high living. They carry themselves with poise and dignity, but at the same time are not without humour. Love is a strong factor in their lives. They do not come on as being emotional types, but nonetheless they are drawn quite strongly to the opposite sex. Male or female they will not take second fiddle to anyone. For this reason the woman may wonder why she cannot keep a man in her life, or continues to remain single. These people would do well to cultivate a deeper appreciation of the more philosophical aspects of life, but otherwise it is quite a nice quality. Any indulgence could result in problems affecting the generative area, or the liver.

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