The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These names produce a personality of strength, confidence, ambition and a tenacious ability to persevere. They are materialistic and insensitive to the feelings of others. Their drive is directed toward personal accomplishment and they could be heard saying "Get out of my way, I'm coming through". This attitude is of course good for achieving their goals in a materialistic sense, but not in securing lasting friendships. Diplomacy is not inherent in these names. It is their capacity as 'self-starters' that advances them so quickly in life. They do not sit around talking about what they would like to do. While others may take courses and do other preparatory studies before embarking on a new project, these people jump into it and work out the problems as they arise. They can work hard and have the endurance and stamina to see a task through to its end.

The influence here is rather masculine and for a woman it could be a little hard, covering up the natural feminine aspects of her character. While being hard-nosed and competitive has a negative effect on the male persona it can be even more devastating on the female. This is not a sentimental or idealistic quality and will get right to the point in conversation. They know what they want to say and can be quite forthright in saying it. No beating around the bush here. Their interests and their conversation revolve around their careers and their materialistic pursuits. In love there is little romance. If their partner in marriage or business is at all idealistic there is going to be conflict. These types are practical and quite logical. They see a spade as a spade and nothing else. Helping others with their problems is of no interest to them. Getting on with the job is the only thing that matters.

Action is their keynote, not sitting around talking endlessly. To the more sensitive types this approach can be difficult to deal with. Their candid manner can offend because it usually comes across with a force that sounds like a command. Being so self-confident and sure of themselves they must be careful not to become domineering. They naturally gravitate towards business and finance, with an interest in politics. If the rest of their make-up does nothing to soften their character then their success will be limited to the physical and material plane. Home and family will always suffer with these people because they lack the sensitivity and interest in dealing with social and personal issues. All things lie in the balance. If there is no overall balance then they may become frustrated to the degree that even material success becomes impossible. Then the force of this quality will manifest as an aggressive, self-centred urge that can be quite manipulative. Any tension in their lives will affect the senses of the head and the generative organs.

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