The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

There are two influences in these names that combine to create a vision of life that is big and broad. These people desire to do big things in life. They may not accomplish all they desire as that depends on their degree of balance, or lack thereof. This quality lends itself to confidence and idealism, and a sense of their own importance that may be slightly inflated. The scale upon which they plan their life and vision is difficult to measure up to. They are ambitious and motivated by humanitarian principles. Their conversation and the impression they leave us about themselves is often inconsistent with the actual reality of their life. They draw from an urge to build or create things on a grand scale. This comes from the practical and materialistic element in their character. They want the best for themselves and others. The other side of their nature is compassionate, dreaming of better times and a more just society.

Unless they are empowered by a spiritual drive, this influence is difficult to live up to. It usually expresses as a personal ambition to acquire and accumulate for no other reason than to establish itself in a position of status and power. These types are intelligent, with a good insight into the minds of others. They carry themselves with poise and confidence. They can be generous, kind and helpful, but not foolishly so. The beggar or panhandler must justify their condition before these people will part with their money. They would rather contribute to the alleviation of human suffering in a larger and more organized effort. Their organizational skills should be put to use in some meaningful enterprise but they cannot be truly happy unless their work is also aligned with humanitarian ideals.

Their desire to run their own show, or to be in charge where no one can usurp their power. To earn a leadership position they need to acquire a benevolence motivated by a true spiritual drive. Usually they merely translate the inner urge for the common good of all as a need for personal wealth, and their compassion and love for people as a passion for the opposite sex. It would be unkind to say they did not have good intentions, but the state of the mass mind does not encourage nobility of thought, let alone recognize it. Without a deep understanding of the meaning of life, these people, like most others, fail to fulfil their true purpose. In consequence their visions are mostly dreams, and their wealth is usually something they talk about as an ambition. They are pleasant and friendly, with a positive attitude and a good heart. They have the potential for greatness if their education and background provided the ingredients of discipline and direction. If the rest of their names produce too much imbalance they can become indulgent in sex and the good life, and tend to be somewhat ostentatious and superior in their attitude. Their physical weakness lies in their nervous system. For the women there could be problems in the reproductive organs.

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