The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These people are intelligent and as clever as the best of them. They are quick-minded and able to perceive the flaws in others' concepts. Their minds scrutinize everything. It is the truth that is their motivating force. They are free spirits who find themselves going contrary to almost everything and everyone. If they are repressed in any way they can become rebellious or self-indulgent and create chaos in their environments. They can accomplish ten times more than anyone else because of their drive and fearlessness. They dare to be great and dare anyone who tries to stop them. If this force is not disciplined and directed, the frustrations can lead to self-destruction because of the inherent mental intensity. This influence contains a profound mental capacity for analysis and deduction, always stimulated by their response to untruth. They are here to right the wrongs of humanity.

Restlessness and change are integral parts of their lives. If there is no challenge in their work, change is impending. They work for, and demand, their independence. Their minds never stop cogitating about things. They are serious and worrisome, and can spend many sleepless nights playing the same mental tunes. Their accomplishments unfortunately do not include the ability to find peace of mind. Only when their lives are motivated by a noble purpose can they begin to feel a deep satisfaction in their work and life, otherwise they search endlessly for the elusive answer to life, and their miseries. They will travel the world either literally or through books in order to satisfy their insatiable need for answers to their questions. They must understand the force that drives them or they will be driven to distraction. Their creative impulse does not conceive any limitations once awakened. They draw from an energy that seems unlimited, but definitely has its limitations when they push themselves too hard.

Their deep sense of responsibility and commitment will drive them to the point of exhaustion. Often it is only through strenuous physical exertion and exhaustion that they can induce a kind of relaxation that serves as a temporary relief from their worries. This is a very mental or intellectual force that has a tremendous insight into things as long as it flows out of the strength of their independence. If they are thwarted in their efforts, their minds can become quite critical and their scepticism can blind them to the truth. Injustice can make them mad and they are formidable fighters. They must learn the great truth, that answers come in the midst of battle only when the fight is impersonal. Truth must be the focus, not getting even. If this influence is misdirected their repression will self-destruct into some form of indulgence. Worry is their nemesis. They would do well to laugh more often. Their criticism of others can become quite intense and holding grudges could be a problem. Holding on to their problems mentally invariably leads to ulcers or other stomach problems.

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