The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

There are few people so fiercely independent as these types. When they put their minds to a task nothing can stop them as long as they are left alone to pursue it without any interference from others. As children they are strong-willed, physical and not easy to discipline. If their time of birth lends itself to this strong individualistic name they can be extremely creative. If it doesn't because their true nature through their birthdate is social,then much of their lives will be frustrated because of the extreme independence of their name. As these people mature they discover that they are quite different from other people. They are anti-social and rebellious, and refuse to follow traditional paths. They quickly discover the pointlessness of the daily ritual carried out by the mass of humanity. Finding their own way becomes their life long quest. Working for or with others is difficult. Freedom is a key concept in their mind.

They are motivated by the impulse to change the world in some way or to be rid of it by escaping into their own world where they can do their own thing. They unconsciously respond to injustice with the urge to fight. Truth is their first priority and they are unforgiving when they have been dealt an unfair blow. They must be careful not to get caught up in their anger and therefore lose the fight because of the urge to get even. If their motivation is right and true they can move mountains. They are intense, restless and inquisitive about everything. If developed, their creative potential has no bounds. Their ingenuity will always express through an aspect of originality that will be coloured by their intensity. If they do not develop their creativity this dynamic and intense force will manifest as frustration, and they will turn against themselves. They totally lack a sense of humour. Working out relationships is an almost impossible task for them.

With these names they are destined to a rather lonely life. They see your faults quickly and can be quite candid, letting you know how they see you. They do not have a way with words. It is their lesson to right the wrongs of humanity but must they learn to do it from a point of wisdom rather than from an impulsive or emotional reaction to your faults. If they cannot learn this they usually dismiss people and seek a life away from others. These people need a sense of purpose in order to channel their energy. If this is the case then their natural sense of perseverance and endurance can almost see them do the impossible, especially when they are motivated by a cause or a search for truth. They must be cautious of too much introspection where they become prey to vagrant and negative thought forms. Their love of wide open spaces and the challenge of the ski slopes or anything that provides a challenge is a natural outlet for them. They usually have a rugged physical disposition but are prone to bouts of depression and stomach ulcers. If they have an accident it is their head or extremities that suffer.

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