The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Behind these names lies a quality that produces a very practical nature. These people live according to a pattern or systematic routine. Everything in their lives is orderly and planned. Nothing can be out of place. Their values are based upon material pursuits and hard work which they are quite capable of. They don't miss a detail in their effort to complete their chores. Everything has to be precise, neat and tidy. They make good bookkeepers, housekeepers, accountants and can do anything that requires research and attention to detail. They are reliable, fastidious and patient workers. Slow and methodical would be their key-note quality. To them success is just a matter of hard work, patience and waiting, with the emphasis on waiting. Because they know they can finish the things they start, they can live by the adage that "All things come to those that wait". This quality is neither inspirational nor endowed with a great deal of confidence.

It is their hard work alone that sees them make slow and systematic progress. If they have a naturally inspirational path through their time of birth then it will be quite repressed because these names compel them into the practical fields. If such were the case the worst of their dual nature would express through being over emotional as well as being extremely fussy. If other elements within their combined names do allow for some artistic expression it will come out in a rather mechanical way. They are predominantly practical, with an absence of idealism making them materialistic and concerned mainly with the mundane aspects of daily living. They could become fussy and preoccupied with the incidentals of life to the exclusion of the more aesthetic values. Their bent is toward science, home hobbies and information of the non-fiction variety. They are sceptical about anything in life that does not have the stamp of approval from academia.

Being sticklers for detail they could be quite demanding and nit-picky with little capacity to bend. There is very little versatility here or desire for new experiences. They are shrewd, calculating and tight with their money. Getting ahead in life with these types is usually measured in terms of the size of your bank account. Becoming financially independent would be their main focus before they ever considered doing anything else. Because of the one-sided aspect of these names it is difficult for them to be happy and content. Lacking humour and spontaneity they tend to be quiet and would rather spend time alone than have to respond to people. Their discussion would pertain to such things as plumbing, gardening, politics or the best way to save a dollar. Their greatest desire would be to have their own business where they could do things in their own way and not have to put up with people that do not have their penchant for detail and order. The predominance of this practical element can lead to problems affecting them through constipation and allied problems as well as in the generative area.

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