The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

As in so many name combinations, these names contain conflicting influences. They desire to be 'on the stage, in the spotlight' but find themselves backstage doing all the work. In other words they possess an inspiration that cannot fully express outwardly. They are not quite as demonstrative with their feelings as they would like to be. They can smile in response to a joke but cannot laugh deeply from the depths of their soul. In consequence they are unable to unconsciously respond to their deeper nature. Even if they were to find themselves on the stage they would know that they cannot deliver their lines with the depth of feeling that they would like. In relationships it is difficult for them to express warmth and to be able to let go.

These people are responsible and hard-working. They are always aware of the little things that need to be done in order to make things just a bit better. In fact this could be a source of aggravation for others. They have a sense of their own and others' imperfections when dealing with little details and tend to make much out of nothing. They must try to avoid being overly fussy over inconsequentials. Their intellect is keen and they have a logical approach to life. Their minds look for the logic in things and their conversation is intelligent. It is through their minds that they can find success. They have the power to think and to concentrate and to work out solutions to problems. Their love of people draws them into many social involvements where others appreciate their practicality and willingness to take responsibilities. This quality is not endowed with a great deal of confidence. Their success must be achieved through the academic route or in some specialized field where their studious ability and perseverance will see them through. If they do not utilize their studious potential for getting ahead then they will find themselves trapped in mundane pursuits.

They can work hard but soon find that it becomes boring and too much like drudgery. It is their dual nature that draws them into social circumstances only to end up doing a lot of the work and then they wonder, in retrospect, how they got themselves into it. At times they feel an impulse to leave and be done with all the work, and the next moment there they are trapped in the mundane again. This impulsive side of their nature just wants to be with people, experience their warmth and camaraderie, and not have to deal with work. They have a strong love nature that needs expression through art, music and dancing, otherwise it will express mostly on the physical level. They have the discipline to take lessons and to finish the things they start. Because of the dual aspect to their nature they will always feel the limitation of not being able to express the full depth of their emotion. Any tension in their lives will affect them through constipation and liver problems.

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