The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Idealism and a desire to serve life are the prime motivating factors of these people. This is a soft and kindly influence. They would do anything to avoid conflict. This is not a hardy physical or hard-working quality. It is only by using their social skills that they can move ahead. They are the dreamers that wish life was a place of love, a world devoid of suffering where everyone could live in peace and harmony. There is so much idealism here that it is difficult for these types to fit into a world gone mad in a race to accomplish and to achieve merely for the sake of survival. The pressure of the marketplace does nothing to stimulate their naturally creative natures. It is through the arts that they find an expression for their idealism. They could write, create music or do anything as long as they are expressing their love for life and the people in it. Love is the thread that moves them to action in their endeavours. If there is not love, there is not life!

Even though they have a deep sentimental nature they lack inner depth. Because of this they can come across as being a little too flighty, and a bit impractical. They have the gift of the gab and, as much as they try, it is sometimes difficult to curb that urge. Consequently they can suffer from a reputation of being a little shallow. If they possess deeper qualities in the rest of their make-up they could become counsellors because of their deep concern for others. Listening more and talking less would endear them to others because of a natural compassion for suffering humanity. It is this compassion on a universal scale that moves them to serve and to give in some way to causes involved in world suffering. They are impressionable to panhandlers and others who see them as an easy mark. Any kind of suffering could cause them to give the very shirt off their backs. They are generous and accommodating.

In matters of personal love they can lose out if they do not understand the universality of their love, in that it must be expressed for the benefit of all, for a grander purpose than to satisfy a personal fancy. It is not easy for these people to succeed in life unless it is through artistry. If they find life difficult they soon lose confidence and become lazy and indulgent. Being so soft and easy-going, standing up for themselves is difficult. Procrastination is their downfall. It is their overly idealistic nature that makes them the dreamers who could give to life the benefit of their visions but are usually looked upon as unrealistic. They crave love and affection, and are romantics that look for a better life through books, music, movies and the like. They could strive to understand and express their idealism through religious or philosophical thought. Not being physically very robust they must watch their diets and beware of over-eating and indulging in sweet foods. Their weakness lies in the kidneys and nervous system.

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