The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

As children these people are happy, energetic, playful and loving. They love to tease and have fun and never take life too seriously, and this character trait carries on throughout their lives. They have the gift of the gab, and at times they can get carried away with it. They are artistic and creative but quite scattered in their efforts, and seldom finish the things they start. They are warm, friendly, and outgoing to everyone, and are strongly drawn to the opposite sex. This is a soft, loving and impressionable quality that requires encouragement, support and a strong helping hand if they are to have any degree of success in their lives. Lacking in self-discipline they must be careful that they are not influenced and drawn into the association of those who would mislead them. When disciplined into such fields as dancing, music or public speaking they can excel. They make fine entertainers. If they find themselves doing mundane or routine types of work, they become restless, unhappy and unreliable workers.

This is a quality that is not suited to heavy physical labour or to anything that requires hard work or a focus on detail. They have a sensitivity to the feelings of others, and work best in association with others, where they can help and interact on a fun and happy level. Being emotional types, they thrive on and are motivated through inspiration but, due to the lack of concentration and staying power, they most often fail to persevere in their endeavour. In their interaction with others, their accommodating natures allow them to flow into conversation with almost anyone. Their speech is so fluid that at times they can hardly stop it. Being social types they must be careful about their conversations regarding other people. This is not a deep or philosophical influence.

Physically, they are susceptible to problems affecting them in the kidneys, liver or bloodstream. They must learn to stay away from too many sweet foods or they can be affected through diabetes and other blood diseases. They are also prone to poor circulation and swollen ankles later on in life. This is an affectionate, intuitive and 'feeling' quality that depends on and works well with others. Lacking independence and individuality, these people need the proper direction and guidance if they are to succeed in life. If they are not disciplined and directed into artistic fields, they can become indulgent in their physical appetites. Their creative potential knows no bounds, but if misdirected they can become lazy and influenced by life in the fast lane.

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