The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These people, unlike the soft impressionable types, are independent, strong willed, and even stubborn at times. This is a quality that requires its own space in order to function as a creative force, independent, and free from any interference from others. As children they can be difficult to manage and discipline because of their headstrong manner. They move towards independence early in life and strive to strike out on their own as soon as they possibly can. This is a completely honest quality, dependable, and up front in everything they do and say. In their speech they are candid and sometimes even blunt to the point that they offend others, but not intentionally. They have an ingenuity in figuring things out if left alone to do so. Theirs is the quality of originality. They have the perseverance and endurance to push through any obstacles that might try to stop them and so they achieve almost anything that they put their minds to.

In one sense they are appreciated by others because of their open and honest ways of dealing with you, but they lack in the social graces and often fall short of the required diplomacy in certain situations. They can feel out of place in the company of the more sophisticated and intellectual types. They would feel awkward and out of place in debates, and where they need to listen carefully to another's point of view. These people are more physically active types that do not like to spend a lot of time talking about things. Their weakness in not being able to understand or see clearly another's point of view makes it difficult for them to relate deeply in the more intimate matters of love and marriage. Through life, as they discover that they have difficulty relating well in relationships, there is a tendency to become more and more independent to the point of becoming somewhat anti-social. They are a little too self-oriented, and lack what is needed to function well with people on the deeper levels of communication.

Their physical weakness lies in the senses of the head, through problems affecting them in the eyes, ears, teeth, sinuses or through loss of hair. If they have injuries it is usually to their extremities--the hands, head or feet. This is a positive and confident quality. They thrive on their own initiative when focused on their own projects. They are pioneers of new ideas, but usually sceptical of anything that does not relate to things pertaining to the five senses or to their own experiences.

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