The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Here we have a strong masculine force, confident, outspoken and a little bit insensitive to the feelings of others. Ambition and drive can move these people up the corporate ladder, but they must be careful of their candid way of speaking to others. This could be their nemesis. They have a strong desire to be in their own business. They are good organizers, hard workers and demanding bosses. As housewives they usually have control of the purse strings. Their biggest problem is their lack of diplomacy. This is a very independent quality. In childhood it isn't long before they are off on their own. Because they do not work well with others they seek to create situations where they are in control and their authority is not questioned. This of course does not bode well in relationships. This is not an easy quality to live because on one hand they have initiative and the force of their personality to drive them but on the other hand, pity the poor person that gets in their way.

This is a strong physical force with endurance and stamina. They love to pit themselves against nature or against their opponents in sports. They are honest, and not afraid to speak their minds. They could easily offend the more sensitive types but it is not usually intentional. These people are hard, loyal workers when left alone to do things in their own way. They have their own strong opinions and base them on their own experiences exclusively. As friends they will never let you down. Their ambition is usually directed toward business and finance with the goal of becoming financially independent. They have to watch that they do not become entirely materialistic. They are not naturally philosophical and can be sceptical about anything that is too theoretical. Because of their limitation in speech they will let you know how they see things and it does not particularly encourage further conversation. Their measurement of life and other's thoughts is purely from the basis of their own experiences, and this makes conversation with them quite difficult at times.

They can never quite find the right words to express their thoughts and this can be a source of great frustration. For this reason they end up blurting things out with the force of their frustration. Nothing daunts them and for this reason they can persevere and succeed as long as they do not have to deal with the problems of people. They are just and fair in their dealings with a shrewd eye for making a dollar. This quality is tough on a woman because it tends to make her a little bit hard, which invariably affects her relationships with men and leads her to believe that she can do without them, particularly in marriage. She is quite capable of managing her own affairs. These are not easy names for people who are basically inspirational by right of their birth-date. Head tension and problems related to the generative organs are their weakness. Women can also suffer problems in childbirth.

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