The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Hard-nosed, independent and difficult to discipline are the main characteristics of these people. They will find their own way in life without anybody's help. They are strong-willed and stubborn. This may be an asset in their being able to achieve their personal ambitions, but is a liability in their relationships with people. In their conversation they are direct and honest but lack the ability to see another's point of view because of a tendency to judge exclusively from their own experience. They can become fighting mad when they are opposed or challenged for their stand on issues concerning points of principle. Their reactive natures can be a source of trouble because of their quickness to judge. These people are hard-working and reliable as long as they are left alone. They are restless and ambitious and must not be confined in any way. Their creative natures will develop only when they have found their own activity and are free to develop their originality free from the interference of others.

Because of their basic anti-social natures they will suffer an intolerable frustration if their true natures are innately social as determined through the time of their birth. If there is some degree of balance between their inner and outer natures then there is nothing to stop them from reaching their goals, although even then they will wonder why getting along with others is so difficult. This is a quality that possesses stamina, perseverance and a lot of determination. If they are repressed in any way then this powerful force will turn against itself or others and can be quite destructive. They are quite physical and require outlets that challenge their physical prowess. This is not generally an intellectual or a naturally refined quality, and consequently these people will find themselves out of place in an environment of gentility, or where the conversation deals with abstractions or philosophical theory. Their verbal expression is more candid or even blunt.

They do not have the verbal fluidity of some. Sometimes their awkwardness can be vented through sarcasm and intolerance of others' views. Their major setbacks in life stem from their 'self measurement' of others' ideas. They are too quick to respond to others' thoughts without giving them due consideration. Others find them disruptive and impossible to engage in meaningful conversation. They are loyal and true to the few friends they have. They are pioneers when pursuing their interests and always require change and excitement or boredom can set in very quickly. Truth and justice can become powerful motivators in their life. They will stop at nothing to see justice done, but they must guard against being motivated by anger or they will become blind to their noble purpose. This is a quality that is usually quite healthy if they have a physical outlet for their energy, otherwise they will suffer head tension affecting the senses of the head. They are also prone to stomach upsets and ulcers.

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