1,500,000 baby names

The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

This is a complex personality in that it desires to be independent and self-sufficient, but invariably ends up being accommodating and a little passive. They have a great desire to speak their minds but are compelled to be nice. This ultimately produces conversation that is safe and not too deep. These people are sociable and friendly when they have to be but are relieved when they can get away by themselves. Only they will realize the conflict of this dual influence. On the one hand they are always struggling to achieve a sense of their own worth in their attempt to be their own boss, and yet they cannot quite push themselves to the top. Working for others in a subordinate role is always a source of frustration. While they are very easy to get along with because of their pleasing nature, they resent being taken advantage of. It is difficult for them to say no, for fear of disappointing others. They are seldom understood and acknowledged for their deeper thoughts because of their accommodating natures.

When they do get a chance to express their personal views they are aware that they have not been understood. Their verbal expression can flow easily at times but in the company of the more intellectual types they can become tongue-tied, frustrated or they just acquiesce. In their day-to-day manner they are pleasing and friendly. Because of their caring natures, people are drawn to them. Only later do we see the independent side to their natures. This is a quality that can be self-effacing. For this reason they must be careful not to become lazy and procrastinating. They function best when they have room to move and create without the interference of others. They soon learn that they require their own space with only a certain amount of contact with others. This contrasting influence produces a fluctuation of feeling, from the need for freedom from people on one hand, to a desire for understanding and affection on the other.

It can be difficult for them to reconcile these two opposite influences without experiencing a certain amount of frustration. While in their independent mode they can be quite creative in working with their hands with a touch of originality. It is this creative aspect of their personality that is the strongest. The social side of their nature is at times a little superficial. They mostly need to cultivate their creative potential away from people, otherwise this conflict of qualities will cause them to lose interest in life. The consequence of this will affect their concentration and their motivation, and could cause them to become somewhat indulgent in their appetites. They must exercise discipline if they are to express their potential in creativity. Their weakness lies in the senses of the head as well their kidneys.

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