Change your thinking, change your life!

Consequences Of A

Spring-And-Loop Theory:

Big Bang

"Saying what needs to be said about the most sucky parts of physics"


I was there when Georges Lemaitre first proposed the Big Bang theory. There is no rational reason to doubt that the universe has existed indefinitely, for an infinite time. It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came to be, either four thousand or twenty billion years ago.
- Hannes Alfven, expressing his belief that the Big Bang is a myth devised to explain creation. He said he heard Lemaitre (who was, at the time both a member of the Catholic hierarchy and an accomplished scientist) say in private that this theory was a way to reconcile science with St. Thomas Aquinas' "theological dictum of creatio ex nihilo" -- creation out of nothing

The Big Bang is Genesis-idal.


Halton Arp, Edwin Hubble's assistant, proposed an alternative quasar ejection model where they must be considerably closer than the extreme distances inferred by their redshifts.

"The conclusion was very, very strong just from looking at this picture that these objects had been ejected from the central galaxy, and that they were initially at high redshift, and the redshift decayed as time went on. And therefore, we were looking at a physics that was operating in the universe in which matter was born with low mass and very high redshift, and it matured and evolved into our present form, that we were seeing the birth and evolution of galaxies in the universe." - Source

"Arp's attempts to publish his quasar ejection model famously led to his removal from the world's largest optical telescope (the 200-inch Palomar).

He decided to resign from his permanent position at the Carnegie Institute of Washington on the principle of "whether scientists could follow new lines of investigation, and follow up... on evidence which apparently contradicted the current theorems and the current paradigms."

The fact that these quasar changes appear to occur over just months in some cases should raise questions about whether or not the objects are truly at the vast distances and scales implied by their redshift-inferred distances.

Summary: No Big Bang at all.


We should get used to the idea that we'll probably never be able to find - and confirm - a good explanation of the ultimate origin of the universe, though I see no reason to believe that we can't press much further on this question than we have managed to date.
- Daniel Clement Dennett III (1942-)

The origin of the universe? Well that's the first step down the wrong road right there.

The universe has always been. The "Big Bang" theory is just a Barf Bucket that tEmP theorists vomit into on a daily basis.

By barfing deliberately broken theories for decades, tEmP theorists have most of us in a completely passive, fatalistic, "can't know" state-of-mind.

Spring-And-Loop Theory is a complete model of how the universe works. If you want to understand the universe, help yourself.


In 50 years - or 20 years, or 200 years - our current epistemic horizon (the Big Bang, roughly) may look as parochial as the horizon Newton had to settle for in his day, but no doubt there will still be good questions whose answers elude us.
- Daniel Clement Dennett III (1942-)

First of all, let's explain these two words:

epistemic: Of, relating to, or involving knowledge.

parochial: Narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; provincial.

Dennett's run on sentence, with his two dollars words, can be explained with a glance at his Wikipedia page.

Turns out he's "an American philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist whose research centers on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science."

Or if you prefer: "his father was a covert counter-intelligence agent with the Office of Strategic Services".

"Misinformation is necessary" to intelligence types. And tEmP theorists.

It takes a writer.
Who obviously knows NOTHING about physics.
To insult Isaac Newton.

Thanks, Dan, for your "Barf Bucket". Roughly.


Replace the Big Bang with The Big Burn. That is a better description of what is actually happening.


One idea was that the Universe started its life a finite time ago in a single huge explosion, and that the present expansion is a relic of the violence of this explosion. This big bang idea seemed to me to be unsatisfactory even before detailed examination showed that it leads to serious difficulties.
- Fred Hoyle

But boy does it help pay the bills!


In the beginning the universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry
and been widely regarded as a bad move.

- Douglas Adams

Comedy. Wiser than the big bang theory.


What we have found is evidence for the birth of the universe. It's like looking at God.
- George Smoot

This is the kind of disgusting dreck
...that earns you a Nobel prize.

From his Wikipedia:
"George Fitzgerald Smoot III (born February 20, 1945) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel laureate."

"He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006 for his work on the Cosmic Background Explorer with John C. Mather that led to the "discovery of the black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation".

"This work helped further the Big Bang theory of the universe using the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite."

"According to the Nobel Prize committee, 'the COBE project can also be regarded as the starting point for cosmology as a precision science.'

Anyone looking for their first bit of "science" to throw out should begin with the CMB.

The "anisotropy" (unevenness) they supposedly found? One part in 100,000! This is better described as "extreme uniformity".

Their work had in fact destroyed the big bang Barf Bucket.

But giving them a Nobel prize buried that fact nicely.


Whatever the mind seizes upon with particular satisfaction is to be held in suspicion.
- Francis Bacon, 1620

The big bang label -- and that's all it is -- was invented in an afternoon. By a religious guy.


It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years to make the stars and planets, but five billion years to make man!
- George Gamow, "The Creation Of The Universe", 1952

It took thousands of years to build up science.

But just one hundred years for tEmP theorists to raze it.

All in the name of profit.


If I go out into nature -- into the unknown, the fringes of knowledge -- everything seems mixed up and contradictory, illogical, and incoherent. This is what research does -- it smooths out contradictions and makes things simple, logical and coherent.
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986), Nobel in Physiology

In fact the opposite is true.

Nature is without contradiction, logical to its very core and with a coherence that scientists can only dream about.

Gyorgyi has overlaid his own distorted concept on top of the simplicity of Nature, and then criticized...himself.


Science can destroy religion by ignoring it as well as by disproving its tenets. No one ever demonstrated the nonexistence of Zeus or Thor -- but they have few followers now.
- Arthur C. Clarke

It is doubtful Mr. Clarke ever realized that his two sentences are completely unrelated.

And both are false/worthless.

ACC was as overrated as Isaac Asimov was underrated.


Either we have seen the birth of the universe, or we have seen a pile of pigeon droppings.
- Arno Penzias, on accidently measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background

Needless to say he and his buddy got a Nobel prize for this...accident.

Because their wrong conclusions were extremely valuable in keeping the big bang barf bucket going.

Spring-And-Loop Theory votes for the latter by the way.


Anyone informed that the universe is expanding and contracting in pulsations of eighty billion years has a right to ask, "What's in it for me?"
- Peter De Vries


No tEmP theorist has ever asked this question.



I do not personally want to believe that we already know the equations that determine the evolution and fate of the universe; it would make life too dull for me as a scientist. I hope, and believe, that the Space Telescope might make the Big Bang cosmology appear incorrect to future generations, perhaps somewhat analogous to the way that Galileo's telescope showed that the earth-centered, Ptolemaic system was inadequate.
- John Norris Bahcall

We don't need a telescope to know that the big bang theory is ludicrous.

The Barf Bucket works on no level except the religion promotion one.


Beware of finding what you're looking for.
- Richard Hamming

The big bang blow job is like many other aspects of modern physics: untouchable. No matter how obviously wrong it is confirmed to be, over and over.

Because tEmP theorists wear Boxer Blinkers.


If you get a Big Bang or Genesis right, the structure of the subsequent physical and historical world will make sense.
- Martin Krieger

This is an impressively stupid statement.


Cosmologists believe that the vacuum structure of our Universe changed many times since the Big Bang.
- Johann Rafelski (1950-)


No argument.


During my pre-college years I went on many trips with my father into the oil fields to visit their operations. I puttered around the machine, electronics and automobile shops while he carried on his business. Both of my parents were inveterate do-it-yourselfers, almost no task being beneath their dignity or beyond their ingenuity. Having picked up a keen interest in electronics from my father, I used to fix radios and later television sets for fun and spending money. I built my own hi-fi set and enjoyed helping friends with their amateur radio transmitters, but lost interest as soon as they worked.
- Robert Woodrow Wilson, one of the CMB guys

Spring-And-Loop Theory is so relatively complete and problem-free, its author is in danger of doing the same thing -- losing interest.

However, unlike CMB fans, Spring-And-Loop Theory actually works.

And so it makes sense to move on from it. Once the Existing mainstream Physics theorists have been thoroughly excoriated.


Earlier theories were based on the hypothesis that all the matter in the universe was created in one big bang at a particular time in the remote past.
- Fred Hoyle, who rejected the "big bang" explanation

Sadly, everyone has seized on this intended-to-be-derogatory term. Because it backs up religion.

Hoyle was a very interesting guy, btw.

I wonder if they slapped the BB barf on him as a way to nuke a good person.


Eventually, everything we currently believe will be revised. What we believe, then, is necessarily untrue.
- Max Guyll

It is a lot simpler than this.

Steer away from believing in anything.

Use basic principles, and build from there.

Do kids playing with LEGO believe in their LEGO?
Or do they just build?


The ultimate singularity is the Big Bang, which physicists believe was responsible for the birth of the universe. We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity -- if you can believe this, you can believe anything.
- Terence McKenna, "True Hallucinations"

The Big Belief.


For any one who is pervaded with the sense of causal law in all that happens, who accepts in real earnest the assumption of causality, the idea of a Being who interferes with the sequence of events in the world is absolutely impossible. Neither the religion of fear nor the social-moral religion can have any hold on him.
- Albert Einstein

The Big Bastard.


God created two acts of folly. First, He created the universe in a Big Bang. Second, He was negligent enough to leave behind evidence for this act, in the form of the microwave radiation.
- Paul Erdos

The three idiots -- G-o-d, the "big bang" and the CMB -- united in one quote.

Took a mathematician to do this. Let's finish the calculation.

1 + 1 + 1 = insane


Hubble's observations suggested that there was a time, called the big bang, when the universe was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense. Under such conditions all the laws of science, and therefore all ability to predict the future, would break down. If there were events earlier than this time, then they could not affect what happens at the present time. Their existence can be ignored because it would have no observational consequences. One may say that time had a beginning at the big bang, in the sense that earlier times simply would not be defined. It should be emphasized that this beginning in time is very different from those that had been considered previously. In an unchanging universe a beginning in time is something that has to be imposed by some being outside the universe; there is no physical necessity for a beginning. The universe was created at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a beginning. One could still imagine that it was created at the instant of the big bang, or even afterwards in just such a way as to make it look as though there had been a big bang, but it would be meaningless to suppose that it was created before the big bang. An expanding universe does not preclude a creation moment, but it does place limits on when that moment might have happened.
- Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History Of Time"

As usual I have to ask, "Did you say anything of value, Stephen?"

No, of course not.

But check out that second sentence -- the perfect cop out.

One could devote an entire book to this quotation. It is that bad.


I cannot see any good reason for preferring the Big Bang idea. Indeed it seems to me in the philosophical sense to be a distinctly unsatisfactory notion, since it puts the basic assumption out of sight where it can never be challenged by a direct appeal to observation.
- Fred Hoyle

Yes, we need to seriously tip our hats to the Catholic priest, Lemaitre, who tattoed this phrase inside the eyeballs a century of physicists.

Well played, Padre, well played.


I have never thought that you could obtain the extremely clumpy, heterogeneous universe we have today, strongly affected by plasma processes, from the smooth, homogeneous one of the Big Bang, dominated by gravitation.
- Hannes Alfven

Today's universe is not "extremely clumpy". One has to wonder how a Nobel-winner like Alfven (of Alfvenic hydrogen fame), could get this so wrong. could he possibly associate "smooth" and "homogeneous" with the Big Bang?

Belief turns "scientists" into rather pathetic creatures.


I hope that in 50 years we will know the answer to this challenging question: are the laws of physics unique and was our big bang the only one? According to some speculations, the number of distinct varieties of space -- each the arena for a universe with its own laws -- could exceed the total number of atoms in all the galaxies we see. So do we live in the aftermath of one big bang among many, just as our solar system is merely one of many planetary systems in our galaxy?
- Martin Rees, in 2006

Mr. Rees has inhaled deeply from the Big Bong.


If I were forced to sum up in one sentence what the Copenhagen interpretation says to me, it would be "Shut up and calculate!"
- N. David Mermin

"If I were forced to sum up in one sentence what the religious interpretation of the big bang says to me, it would be "Shut up and supplicate!"


If that's how it all started, then we might as well face the fact that what's left out there is a great deal of shrapnel and a whole bunch of cinders. Trying to find some sense and order in this mess may be as futile as trying to reconstruct the economy of Iowa from a bowl of popcorn.
- Barbara Ehrenreich, on searching for evidence of a big bang

IF. Your ramblings began with "If".

Your "If" is wrong, of course.

So now what? Into the trash barrel with it all.

Barrel of Barf.


Imagine you are in a classroom and they hand you a test with many interesting multiple choice questions, until you get to "Can you explain what exactly you believe about how the Universe started?" and are given these options: a) The Big Bang, b) It's always been there, c) God (or Gods), d) A bowl of cherries, e) I don't know.

If you choose (a) then what or who and why caused it? and the test continues. If you choose (b) that would be my choice. If you choose (c) then who or what created God or Gods? And where do they come from? And if you think they have always been there, the same thing could be said about the universe. If you choose (d) i.e. It doesn't make sense, it is odd, an anomaly, not supposed to be etc. If you choose (e) then you are being honest.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing.

You can make assumptions or pretend that you know a book (like the bible) "knows" or "tells" you but I just don't buy that.

The beauty of it is that you are here today and you can be thankful and enjoy all the life that you have ahead of you. And the test (life) continues with more wonderful questions and experiences.
- Pablo

As unsatisfying as Pablo's thoughts are, they wax the floor with tEmP theorists.


In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)


In fact, it seems that present day science, with one sweeping step back across millions of centuries, has succeeded in bearing witness to that primordial "Fiat lux" [let there be light] uttered at the moment when, along with matter, there burst forth from nothing a sea of light and radiation, while the particles of the chemical elements split and formed into millions of galaxies. Hence, creation took place in time, therefore, there is a Creator, therefore, God exists!
- Pope Pius XII

Thank God for STRIKETHROUGH font!


Inflation hasn't won the race, but so far it's the only horse.
- Andrei Linde

Mr. Linde lives in a sealed shipping container.


My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe. Why it is as it is and why it exists at all.
- Stephen Hawking



Creationists make it sound as though a "theory" is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.
- Isaac Asimov

But they're absolutely right when it comes to tEmP theories.

tEmPa -- the Existing mainstream Physics alcoholics.


Proof that a given condition always precedes or accompanies a phenomenon does not warrant concluding with certainty that a given condition is the immediate cause of that phenomenon. It must still be established that when this condition is removed, the phenomenon will no longer appear.
- Claude Bernard

Yes. "Correlation is not causation."

But the "space is expanding because of inflation" vomit can't be tested by removing the expansion.

So we can never explicitly disprove the big bang.

Exactly like religion. For now we're stuck with both...


Science is a procedure for testing and rejecting hypotheses, not a compendium of certain knowledge. Theories that cannot be tested in principle are not a part of science.
- Stephen Jay Gould

In April 2000, the US Library of Congress named Stephen Jay Gould a "Living Legend".

Sadly the untestable Big Buffoon has outlived SJG.


Science is part and parcel of our knowledge and obscures our insight only when it holds that the understanding given by it is the only kind there is.
- Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

Spring-And-Loop Theory, by its existence, demonstrates there is more than one kind of understanding.

Interesting to watch it being attacked. By "scientists".

Wonder what they are afraid of...

The big bang, inflation, dark matter, dark energy are all presented as facts, when they can't possibly be factual certainties.

The Big Lie.


Scientists are supposed to make predictions, probably to prove they are human and can be as mistaken as anyone else. Long-range predictions are better to make because the audience to whom the prediction was made is no longer around to ask questions. The alternative is to make conflicting predictions, so that one prediction may prove right.
- Ellis Leon Yochelson

Today almost every physics story (let's not get carried away and call them research papers) makes wild predictions.

The Big dart Board.


Somebody is always reflectively monkeying with some of the parts of an infinite universe. As distinct from aping.
- Willis R. Whitney

tEmP theorists have to "publish, or perish".

It is a lot easier to monkey when the tools you are monkeying with are fictitious.

Ludicrous concepts like the big bang are perfect for paying off your 19th century Victorian.


The grandeur or infinity of the cosmos adds nothing to it.
- G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)

Thanks GK, a hard core cynic, for bringing us back down to Earth.


The old dream of wireless communication through space has now been realized in an entirely different manner than many had expected. The cosmos' shortwaves bring us neither the stock market nor jazz from different worlds. With soft noises they rather tell the physicists of the endless love play between electrons and protons.
- Albrecht Unsold

The CMB tells us approximately nothing.

Measuring the CMB is like counting the hairs on a flea, while it sits on the ether elephant.


The radius of space began at zero; the first stages of the expansion consisted of a rapid expansion determined by the mass of the initial atom, almost equal to the present mass of the universe. If this mass is sufficient, and the estimates which we can make indicate that this is indeed so, the initial expansion was able to permit the radius to exceed the value of the equilibrium radius. The expansion thus took place in three phases: a first period of rapid expansion in which the atom-universe was broken into atomic stars, a period of slowing-down, followed by a third period of accelerated expansion. It is doubtless in this third period that we find ourselves today, and the acceleration of space which followed the period of slow expansion could well be responsible for the separation of stars into extra- galactic nebulae.
- Georges Lemaitre

Georges speaks with forked tongue.


The scientist who yields anything to theology, however slight, is yielding to ignorance and false pretenses, and as certainly as if he granted that a horse-hair put into a bottle of water will turn into a snake.
- H. L. Mencken

Mencken is the antidote for Bubonic Bulimia.


The strength and weakness of physicists is that we believe in what we can measure. And if we can't measure it, then we say it probably doesn't exist. And that closes us off to an enormous amount of phenomena that we may not be able to measure because they only happened once. For example, the Big Bang. That's one reason why they scoffed at higher dimensions for so many years. Now we realize that there's no alternative.
- Michio Kaku

Sentence 1a. Kaku tries to speak for everybody.
1b. Kaku thinks most/all physicists believe in stuff. No good ones do.

2. Kaku's second sentence exactly describes how physics turned away from the ether. It is also the most unscientific thing Kaku says, in an extremely unscientific paragraph.

3. Good physicists aren't closed off to anything. Period.

4. Isn't a sentence.

5. "Higher" dimensions are a garbage concept, invented to try to save a hopelessly broken theory. Nobody higher than Kaku.

6. This paragraph might set a record for falsehoods. Kaku is the acid-tripper of physics.


The universe contains the record of its past the way that sedimentary layers of rock contain the geological record of the Earth's past.
- Heinz R. Pagels

Ok, that's your theory Heinz. How do you plan to prove it?

Or do you just want everyone to believe your lousy analogy?

The whole notion of "containing the record of its past" is idiotic. And once again it only exists to try to preserve a broken theory (that thinks information is never lost).


Theory and practice sometimes clash.
And when that happens, theory loses.
Every single time.

- Linus Torvalds, inventor of Linux

This is true in rational fields, like computing.

Modern physics is not rational, because there is no money in rationality.

tEmP theories are to physics as Monster cables are to high fidelity.


Wheeler hopes that we can discover, within the context of physics, a principle that will enable the universe to come into existence "of its own accord." In his search for such a theory, he remarks: "No guiding principle would seem more powerful than the requirement that it should provide the universe with a way to come into being." Wheeler likened this 'self-causing' universe to a self-excited circuit in electronics.
- Paul Charles William Davies

Has Wheeler tried begging for it? Taking a knee? Mushrooms?


6 Unsolved Problems In The Big Bang Model

It is kinda funny to number them.

So if there were only 5 problems, that would be ok? What about 4? 3?


It's like you took a bottle of ink and you threw it at a wall. Smash! And all that ink spread. And in the middle, it's dense, isn't it? And as it gets out on the edge, the little droplets get finer and finer and make more complicated patterns, see? So in the same way, there was a big bang at the beginning of things and it spread. And you and I, sitting here in this room, as complicated human beings, are way, way out on the fringe of that bang. We are the complicated little patterns on the end of it. Very interesting. But so we define ourselves as being only that. If you think that you are only inside your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little curlique, way out on the edge of that explosion. Way out in space, and way out in time. Billions of years ago, you were a big bang, but now you're a complicated human being. And then we cut ourselves off, and don't feel that we're still the big bang. But you are. Depends how you define yourself. You are actually -- if this is the way things started, if there was a big bang in the beginning -- you're not something that's a result of the big bang. You're not something that is a sort of puppet on the end of the process. You are still the process. You are the big bang, the original force of the universe, coming on as whoever you are. When I meet you, I see not just what you define yourself as -- Mr so-and-so -- I see every one of you as the primordial energy of the universe coming on at me in this particular way. I know I'm that, too. But we've learned to define ourselves as separate from it.
- Alan Wilson Watts (1915-1973)

We've been taught to accept someone else's definition of us.


Our minds work in real time, which begins at the Big Bang and will end, if there is a Big Crunch -- which seems unlikely, now, from the latest data showing accelerating expansion. Consciousness would come to an end at a singularity.
- Stephen Hawking

This supposed scientist trying to build a statement with the Big Bang as its base plank is like a dietitian beginning with "Since everybody needs to eat rocks..."

The Big Nothing.


Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe.
- Stephen Hawking

Before mankind was taught science, it was natural that charlatans succeeded at pedaling religion.

What is less natural is the world today where tEmP theorists -- of all groups -- pedal a fundamentally religious Big Bang.


So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?
- Stephen Hawking

More "If...If...If..." nonsense from the worst physicist of them all.


Observations indicate that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. It will expand forever, getting emptier and darker.
- Stephen Hawking

How Hawking and the rest got from this truism to the Big Bang is one of the great mysteries of our age.

Right beside the Federal Reserve madness.

Life today is a carnival. Run my shysters.


It now appears that the way the universe began can indeed be determined, using imaginary time.
- Stephen William Hawking (1942-2018)

Idiot. Fortunately you've now disappeared.


We are the product of quantum fluctuations in the very early universe.
- Stephen Hawking

You knew nothing, Hawking.

You are a disgrace to physics.


The big bang theory is spectacularly stupid,
but serves its intended purpose of bonding science to religion.

- Spring-And-Loop Theory


Lichen are actually TWO fungi, and one algae.

The "one fungi + one algae" theory ran for 150 years. - Tim Wheeler.

The Big Bang theory is 70 years old and counting...


March 23, 2018
Physicists at crossroads in trying to understand universe

Read the article and you find...typical tEmP B.S.

Yet they peddle the Barf Bucket 24/7, on every continent and in every time zone.

Modern physics isn't physics.


All these big bang theory people, they don't actually have to deal with any customers. They don't have to build something where there's a market. They don't have to risk the kind of rejection that comes from selling something to a marketplace. - Stefan Molyneux

The Big Bang is a license to print money.

I imagine some physicists would kill to keep it.


The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive, but in spite of their religion, not because of it.

The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve.

And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born.
- Samuel Langhorne Clemens [Mark Twain] (1835-1910)

Imagine how strongly religious forces want to hold onto the backed-by-nothing big bang lunacy.


Who cares about half a second after the Big Bang; what about the half second before?
- Fay Weldon


Now authorities agree that Earth holds firm her place at the center of the Universe, and they regard the contrary as unthinkable, nay as absurd. Yet if we examine more closely it will be seen that this question is not so settled, and needs wider consideration.
- Nicolaus Copernicus, "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium"

Yet in the 21st century some are back to thinking the Earth is the center of the universe.

The default human condition is to be ignorant.


Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fantasies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in later years relieved of them.
- Hypatia

Our Elite brainwashers know this.

The Barf Bucket is essential to how they operate.


p. 77 -- Inconsistency - the Big Bang's inflaton doing all the dirty work.
- Steven Novell's "The Skeptic's Guide To The Universe"

As stupid as the Big Bang is, inflation is even more stupid.

But thank god they invented the inflaton.

One kludge to rule them all!




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